
Course Description

This course emphasizes the building and maintenance of healthy soil, plant, and insect biological cycles as the key to pest and disease management. Content includes the study of major crop pests and diseases such as structure, life cycle, and favored hosts; and biological and least toxic methods of chemical control. Upon completion students will be able to identify and recommend methods of prevention and control of selected insects, weeds, and diseases. Completed in a curriculum environment, this is a parallel course offered with AGR-121.  

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify specific practices associated with sustainable pest management.
  • Identify insects, weeds, and diseases that are commonly associated with vegetable production of the Southeast region.
  • Utilize online resources useful in making pest management decisions.
  • Outline management practices necessary for specific crops.
  • Scout for insect pests and predict possible problems.
  • Observe various planting methods and evaluate their effectiveness in pest management.
  • Analyze and describe, in writing, a crop rotation with specific organic pest management guidelines.
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